It finally happened. RED integration with Apple’s Metal framework for realtime R3D playback is done. We’ll be able to examine the results and benefits on the next FCPX update. DaVinci Resolve is in the picture, as well. Learn more below!

RED and Apple are working together to improve R3D workflow
Do you remember the legal match: Apple vs. RED? I’m talking about the denied petition filed by Apple to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to review and challenge RED’s patent regarding REDCODE. Well, it seems the relationship between those companies was never better. It appears that his process was a part of a standard due diligence protocol performed by the two companies. It was necessary, so they can proceed further with development regarding RED integration with Apple’s METAL framework (Metal provides near-direct access to the graphics processing unit (GPU), that enabling maximization of the graphics and compute potential). Indeed, at that time, Apple and RED teams have been working together to allow the privilege of ultra high definition flawless R3D editing capabilities on FCPX. As stated by RED back in June: “Apple’s new hardware will bring a mind‐blowing level of performance to Metal‐accelerated, proxy‐free R3D workflows in Final Cut Pro X that editors truly have never seen before. We are very excited to bring a Metal‐ optimized version of R3D in September”.
Metal now supporting R3D acceleration
REDCODE RAW, FCPX, and Resolve
Today, RED announced the completion of the development stage, which will allow R3D utilization in the next FCPX version. As stated by Jarred Land: “RED and Apple have finally completed METAL GPU accelerated R3D support in the SDK which will be rolling out to 3rd party developers over the next 24 hours, as well as integrated into the next major FCPX release. Furthermore, 3rd parties can start integrating into their apps, and FCP should get in the next major release”. Also, Jarred has added: “Getting the Metal SDK done took priority over re-writing REDCINE-X to support Metal so somewhat ironically you will likely see all the NLE’s support it before REDCINE-X does.” Furthermore, according to RED, Blackmagic Design now has the R3D Metal SDK and is integrating as well.
RED and Apple have finally completed METAL GPU accelerated R3D support in the SDK which will be rolling out to 3rd party developers over the next 24 hours, as well as integrated into the next major FCPX release
Jarred Land, RED President
Mac pro Afterburner
Apple’s $2,000 Afterburner GPU mysterious card was supposed to be RED shooters’ great hope to boost their R3D workflow. However, it seems that the Afterburner will be focused mainly on ProRes RAW utilization. Jarred said on the REDUser forum that he’s not allowed to talk about the Afterburner yet, but it was probably built entirely to support ProRes acceleration. That means, if your ecosystem is mainly REDCODE, do not buy the Afterburner yet, because it will not be beneficial to R3D currently. Of course, this might be changed on the next Metal updates.
The Afterburner was probably built entirely to support ProRes acceleration
That is a piece of great news for RED shooters that don’t want to ditch the Apple ecosystem. The ability to edit 8K REDCODE RAW natively or playback it flawlessly on FCPX is crucial for that market. Let’s wait for the next FCPX update to examine that new ability. We’ll keep you posted.
[…] few days ago, Red Digital Cinema announced the METAL GPU accelerated R3D support in the SDK, which will be implemented in the next FCPX […]
[…] integration between RED and Metal was announced in December 2019. The metal framework provides near-direct access to the graphics processing unit […]