Spielberg! Make a Movie on the Israel Massacre
Spielberg! Make a Movie on the Israel Massacre

Spielberg! Make a Movie on the Israel Massacre

4 mins read

This is a call for the legendary director, Steven Spielberg, to make a movie about the Israel Massacre performed on October 7, 2023. The world needs to remember this massacre, as it remembers the Holocaust. You, Spielberg, can significantly help memorize this brutal attack on Jewish families. It will be your most important project yet and with a huge contribution to the Jewish people and humanity.

IDF Lotar combatants who took part in the battles with Hamas have returned to Be'eri Kibbutz in order to clear the area and houses from explosives after the massacre of at least 112 people.Picture by Ziv Koren
IDF Lotar combatants who took part in the battles with Hamas have returned to Be’eri Kibbutz in order to clear the area and houses from explosives after the massacre of at least 112 people. Picture by Ziv Koren

Pure evil unleashed

The massacre started on Saturday, October 7, 2023, at 6:00 AM. 1,500 Hamas murderers stormed into the Israeli Kibbutzim located in the northern Negev in order to slaughter Jews. Hamas had been butchering into more than 1,300 Israelis till the Israeli army counterattacked. The best way to describe this horror is by stating the President of the United States, John Biden. Here are highlights from President Biden’s speech from October 10, where he describes this terror attack:

You know, there are moments in this life — and I mean this literally — when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world. The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend. The bloody hands of the terrorist organization Hamas — a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill Jews. This was an act of sheer evil. More than 1,000 civilians slaughtered — not just killed, slaughtered — in Israel. Parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children. Stomach-turning reports of being — babies being killed. Entire families slain. Young people massacred while attending a musical festival to celebrate peace — to celebrate peace. Women were raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies. Families hid their fear for hours and hours, desperately trying to keep their children quiet to avoid drawing attention. And thousands of wounded, alive but carrying with them the bullet holes and the shrapnel wounds and the memory of what they endured. You all know these traumas never go away. There are still so many families desperately waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones, not knowing if they’re alive or dead or hostages. Infants in their mothers’ arms, grandparents in wheelchairs, Holocaust survivors abducted and held hostage — hostages whom Hamas has now threatened to execute in violation of every code of human morality. It’s abhorrent. The brutality of Hamas —this bloodthirstiness — brings to mind the worst — the worst rampages of ISIS. This is terrorism. But sadly, for the Jewish people, it’s not new. This attack has brought to the surface painful memories and the scars left by millennia of antisemitism and genocide of the Jewish people. Today, Americans across the country are praying for all those families that have been ripped apart. A lot of us know how it feels. It leaves a black hole in your chest when you lose family, feeling like you’re being sucked in. The anger, the pain, the sense of hopelessness.This is what they mean by a “human tragedy” — an atrocity on an appalling scale.

Joe Biden – The President of the United States
IDF Lotar combatant broke in cry at the sight of Shabbat Challa bread left on a table of a ruined house after the massacre in Kfar Aza Kibbutz where dozens were murdered. Picture by Ziv Koren
IDF Lotar combatant broke in cry at the sight of Shabbat Challa bread left on a table of a ruined house after the massacre in Kfar Aza Kibbutz where dozens were murdered. Picture by Ziv Koren

The biggest Israeli tragedy

These events mark the biggest Israeli tragedy ever, as it was conducted inside the State of Israel. Also, it can be defined as one of the biggest tragedies against the Jewish people. Hence, it’s critical to be memorized. Israel will be changed forever. As President Biden mentions, the Hamas is worse than ISIS. In fact, the Hamas is an amplified combination of ISIS and the Nazis. The main sin of Israel is that it trusted Hamas, by transferring money and assets to them, in order to maintain ‘peace’. And all the assets and funds went to terror, and NOT to the Palestinians. Instead of building schools, the Hamas spent the money on rockets and weapons.

Nevertheless, it’s all going to change. Now it’s the fight of every jew in the world, no matter where he/she is located. Thus, October 7, 2023, needs to be remembered as one of the ’turning points’ of Israel and the Jewish people. And the best way to explain and remember it is via the big screen.

IDF Lotar combatants who took part in the battles with Hamas have returned to Be'eri Kibbutz in order to clear the area and houses from explosives after the massacre of at least 112 people.Picture by Ziv Koren
IDF Lotar combatants who took part in the battles with Hamas have returned to Be’eri Kibbutz in order to clear the area and houses from explosives after the massacre of at least 112 people. Picture by Ziv Koren
IDF Lotar combatants who took part in the battles with Hamas have returned to Be'eri Kibbutz in order to clear the area and houses from explosives after the massacre of at least 112 people.Picture by Ziv Koren
IDF Lotar combatants who took part in the battles with Hamas have returned to Be’eri Kibbutz in order to clear the area and houses from explosives after the massacre of at least 112 people. Picture by Ziv Koren

Movie theater – The most immersive medium for remembrance

In order to tell the story of the Israel massacre, a movie must be made. It’s a very complex filmmaking project, which demands a big budget and capabilities. Therefore, only acclaimed directors can do it like it’s supposed to be done. You, Spielberg, are the creator of masterpieces like Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan, Munich, and more. That’s the reason you are the best man for the job of directing a movie about this mega terror attack. It’s so important for the public to recognize these events that occurred on October 7, and the best platform to deliver and explain what happened is the big screen. Hope you will take this project. It’s not just about the Jewish people, but it’s for the sake of the free world as a whole.  

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Yossy is a filmmaker who specializes mainly in action sports cinematography. Yossy also lectures about the art of independent filmmaking in leading educational institutes, academic programs, and festivals, and his independent films have garnered international awards and recognition.
Yossy is the founder of Y.M.Cinema Magazine.


  1. Creo que que hay que ser inteligentes, mesurados, humanos e imparciales para llegar a la paz. NO a la venganza. Ambos pueblos han sufrido mucho. Los lideres políticos se han aprovechado de los ciudadanos para seguir enarbolando el odio y rencor sólo por ser diferentes e implantar que cualquier territorio es nuestro porque lo decimos. Sin darnos cuenta que la diferencia y la solidaridad es lo que hace inmensamente rica a la humanidad. Es tiempo de acabar con los conflictos porque de lo contrario estamos a las puertas de un enfrentamiento global y cuando este finalice, ahí de nada servirán las nacionalidades, ni fronteras, ni las razas, ni religiones ni las distintas ideas políticas. No QUEDARÁ NADA NI NADIE a quien gobernar y con quien debatir o tener diferencias. De verdad, el pueblo de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, el pueblo palestino, el pueblo israelita, el pueblo ruso, el pueblo chino, el pueblo de Corea del Norte y todos los pueblos del mundo, querran la guerra por fugaz y repentina que sea? Dejaremos esto en manos de nuestros gobernantes y representantes políticos. Creo que todos y todas tenemos seres amados a los cuales no nos gustaría ver sufrir como sufrieronlas familias enteras en está masacre en Israel, pero tampoco como han sufrido los palestinos. Hay un origen a todos esto, hay que analizarlo y revisarlo para solucionarlo de una vez por todas y hacer lo imposible como civilización para que no se repita esto que pasa en oriente proximo, en Europa y Africa. La sonrisa de un niño felíz, bien alimentado y con oportunidades en su vida presente y futura es lo máximo a lo que podemos aspirar la especie humana para seguir diciendo que somos la especie que merece seguir habitando este planeta. Esa sonrisa es igual de valiosa y maravillosa si es de un niño norteamericano, palestino, chino, japones, coreano, latino, europeo, africano o israelita. Todos hemos sido niños, tenemos hermanos, hijos, sobrinos, primos, vecinos que merecen que los adultos seamos mucho mejores de lo que somos. Ningun niño o niña merecen sufrir por causa de nuestras debilidades y deficiencias como adultos. Tomemos la responsabilidad en nuestras manos porque nuestro sistema y estilo de vida es la causa de muchos males presentes. Si Spielberg hace la película de esta masacre, quien hara la de los palestinos?. Nestra primera reacción es respondamos la violencia con más violencia y así el ciclo. Sin embargo, después de eso que sigue, todos lo sabemos. Es momento de cambiar el juego o extingirnos como especie y después ya no habra nadie que lea estas reseñas ni nada en el mundo. Saludos a todas y todos. Paz al pueblo de Israel y al pueblo palestino.

    • Daniel, I used Google Translate to understand what you are saying. It’s very beautiful, but totally impractical. Do you think that the Nazi Germany could be stopped but these beautiful words? HAMAS is the Nazis, their way of exterminating jews are the same.
      I hope you will find this article rather educational: https://quillette.com/2023/10/21/its-not-the-occupation/

  2. Are you serious? There are civilian casualties on both sides, difference is there is a genocide in Gaza. 3000 dead including over 800 children, 500 women. 2 million Palestinian people are deprived of basic needs including food, water and electricitty. Fake news went around of be-headed israeli babies with no proof, journalists recently apolygized about that. Fake news of rape, again with no proof. 250 killed at concert, again with no proof. Any smart person would know about the Nakba of 1948. Make a movie about that!

    • First, I think this overall post is in poor taste.

      Making a movie so soon after the horrors that happened by Hamas is not ideal. Even if it were to raise awareness.

      As for Emily’s rant above. Ya? Where is your proof of the 3000 Palestinians killed? Or the 500 children. Do you have the names of the victims? Pictures? Doubt it.

      Whether Hamas chopped off the heads of babies is irrelevant. They went into a peaceful concert made up of numerous people from different countries. And murdered and kidnapped them among other atrocities. We know this by interviewing the families who no longer have their loved ones. And by the numerous footage of said terrorism.

      Guess what. Prior to that day. No innocent Palestinians were being attacked at a festival and slaughtered.

      Like it or not Hamas is representing Palestine. They brought this war down on the Palestinians, and the Palestinians should turn those terrorists over to Israel to end the war.

    • Emily, any smart person would recognize that, unfortunately, your are seriously brainwashed; to the point of insanity. Hopefully you are still very young and so will have time to learn to separate propaganda from reality. Wishing you the best.

  3. I may have to re-think YM Cinema as a professional resource. This is possibly one of the most absurd articles I have ever read.. anywhere. I’m Jewish and I find this in extremely poor taste. Thousands are dying on both sides of this conflict, daily. And it is still going on as I write this.

    This is a place we come to for professional advice and technical data. This is NO PLACE FOR POLITICS. There’s enough of that out there if we choose to seek it out.

    • To say that “thousands are dying on both side” is to equates atrocious terrorist acts with the necessity to defend one’s county against the atrocious barbaric act.
      A mention of HAMAS’ atrocious acts are not POLITICS (unless you consider a mention of HOLOCAUST or a mention of POGROMS to be politics). What took place on Oct 7th in Israel is the threshold of the next holocaust unless HAMAS is fully exterminated (just like ISIS was).
      The Allies would’ve never been able to stop the NAZIs if they thought along the lines you are thinking. You should be really ashamed of the fact that you are a Jew who would’ve been preventing stopping NAZIs from exterminating Jews (as that’s what you appear to be).

  4. In the free part of the world, it is perfectly legitimate to quote the American president. Yossy does not call for retaliating terror with terror, but with a film. In addition to defending against terrorist attacks by anti-democratic deeply authoritarian fundamentalist religious groups, it is also important to show what is happening.

  5. Wow reactionary crap

    You know the israelis have been slowly genociding the palestinians

    You know that Hamas attack, while terrible didnt come out of no where

    This is a joke

    And the US goverment is approving of the palestinian genocide.

    Never reading YMcinema again. Didn’t know they were pro genocide

    • You so right Yossy. We don’t want these terrorists here as well. They are just like Iran. We have enough readers. We all jewish will get together and start a campaign to have more jewish readers. I hope Israel also have cut Internet access in Gaza besides food, fuel and water. This way, we won’t have any reader from Gaza at all. By the way, I love all your videos of the Israeli Army.

    • You so right Yossy. We don’t want these terrorists here as well. They are just like Iran. We have enough readers. We all jewish will get together and start a campaign to have more jewish readers. I hope Israel also have cut Internet access in Gaza besides food, fuel and water. This way, we won’t have any reader from Gaza at all. By the way, I love all your videos of the Israeli Army.

  6. Steve Spielberg loves Jews who die in th Shoah. But he is no Zionist and hasn’t set foot in Israel for 20 years. So far he has not uttered a word in support of Israel at this time,

      • You so right Yossy. We don’t want these terrorists here as well. They are just like Iran. We have enough readers. We all jewish will get together and start a campaign to have more jewish readers. I hope Israel also have cut Internet access in Gaza besides food, fuel and water. This way, we won’t have any reader from Gaza at all. By the way, I love all your videos of the Israeli Army.

    • “As Israel takes the necessary steps to defend its citizens in the coming days and weeks, social media will be overrun by an orchestrated misinformation campaign spearheaded by Iran. We urge everyone to remember the horrific images that came out of Israel and to not amplify or fall for their propaganda” is in the letter signed by 700 people in Hollywood. You, AKP, appear to be one of those who fall for orchestrated misinformation campaign spearheaded by Iran.

    • Terrible taste post. I suggest you guys follow newsshooterDOcom. 10 times better. Milna is losing her mind… at the comfort of her couch. That’s all.

  7. Fuck you Melinda or whatever is your name! Israel is going to win this war and take over the land it’s ours since ever. We and the USA won’t let Iran keep doing this. And I don’t care what you stupid people say. Jewish people deserve revenge at all costs.

  8. I think Spielberg should do a history of Israel and Palestine. I encourage all readers pro and con to read all the informative booklets on the Stand With Us website :
    These can be read or downloaded for free.
    The Israel 101 booklet is especially informative.
    Did you know how many Jewish people lost their homes and the rights to live in Arab countries in 1948? Why are you not furious with the Arab countries who don’t even allow Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank to live in their countries? Did you know the U.N. and Britain determined the boundaries of Israel which was 25% of what was originally called Palestine and approx 70% of Palestine got incorporated into Jordan at the time Israel was created. It was created legitimately. Before Israel, the Jews were called Palestinians who resided in the region. My grandfather was born there in the early 1900s.
    I am old enough to have seen how many times Israel has tried to achieve peace, and how many concessions they offered that were rejected and not treated in good faith by the PLO. If Israel was flatout annihilated and all the Jews killed, guess what Israel would turn into. A society where gays are thrown off buildings, women don’t have rights, Christians would be considered infidels. It is important you understand that while they love their families, their values do not mesh with modern society. Billions have been given to Gaza from other countries AND Israel over the years which they used for tunnels and weapons…not for improving themselves. The Palestinians elected Hamas after Israel left Gaza to govern itself in 2006,so they are responsible for their predicament too. What would you want your government or Israel to do if they brutally killed your family ? Educate yourself.

    • contd from my comments above: TO SPIELBERG & other influential Pro-Israel Hollywood Jews:
      If you read this, I feel you have the resources and obligation to try to make a documentary, put ads in papers, influence gullible kids on campuses, etc. Do something active besides sign a petition in solidarity. Mayim Bialik is the only one I see that is even making videos…they are heartfelt, but could be much more informative. And if you do make a video, make it historically informative not just vanilla blah blah about a 2-state solution which ain’t happening anytime soon, be thorough with the history, like I described above and use the info in those booklets. The Jews have contributed so much to the world. Also, WAKE UP. Liberal Democrats don’t care about Israel…

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