We have seen people who are using the Apple Vision Pro. In our opinion, they look like zombies. That can’t be good. The Apple Vision Pro causes the user to disconnect himself from his surroundings, from other persons, and society. The Vision Pro is a pure anti-socializing tool. Don’t believe us? Go visit one of Vision Pro’s demonstration areas at Apple Stores. They look like Zombieland. Here is our opinion.
Vision Pro transforms you into a zombie
According to the Dictionary, a zombie is a person who is or appears lifeless, apathetic, or completely unresponsive to their surroundings. That’s exactly how Apple store’s visitors looked in the Vision Pro demonstration area. We’re visiting at the Apple Store located in the fifth avenue in Manhattan, and the Vision Pro was spread all over the tables. However, to test it, you have to book a personal demo. Near those tables, there’s a dedicated sitting area where visitors can try the Vision Pro accompanied by certified instructors. Hence, this compound is composed of about a few dozen visitors trying the Vision Pro, staring into space, with a freezing unconscious facial expression. In short – they looked like zombies. We think that Apple should call this compound Zombieland. Not cool.
The Vision Pro takes the major and destructive effects of smartphones on youngsters and kids, and amplifies them even further, making the kid disconnected from the environment.
An Anti socializing product
When you use the Vision Pro, you are on your own. For now, there’s no connectivity, nor virtual proximity for users. For instance, windows and apps that are open in the Vision Pro spatial interface, are seen by the specific user. The vision couldn’t be shared between the Vision Pro users. Hence, it’s an anti-socializing product per se. The best example is when watching a movie via Vision Pro. As filmmakers, we are aware of the socializing experience when watching a movie together. Going to the cinema theaters, sitting near each other, and feeling the experience all together. Getting mutual emotions is the most important part of watching a movie. However, Vision Pro neutralizes the mutuality by micronizing the emotional experience. Yes, you would have that infinite canvas, but you will be alone. You will be watching a movie like a zombie.
As a father, I will not purchase a Vision Pro for my kids. On the contrary — I will educate them on the negative impacts, the demoralization of social abilities, and maybe, the future psychological damage of any spatial headset products.
Demoralization of Social Skills in youngsters and kids
The Vision Pro takes the major and destructive effects of smartphones on youngsters and kids, and amplifies them even further, making the kid disconnected from the environment. We, the parents, are making tremendous efforts to take our children out of the screens. Unfortunately, Apple Vision Pro causes them to dive deeper into the spatial world, disconnecting them from the real world. We’re pretty sure a lot of research will discuss the devastating effects of Vision Pro on youngsters. That would be a solid agenda for Ph.D. studies.

Final thoughts
As a father, I will not purchase a Vision Pro for my kids. On the contrary — I will educate them on the negative impacts, the demoralization of social abilities, and maybe, the future psychological damage of any spatial headset products. In my opinion, the Vision Pro is a super-sophisticated device made by masterminds, to make a lot of money on the back of a healthy society. If you think I am exaggerating, go visit the Apple Stores’ Vision Pro demo area, or should I say, Zombieland.
Well, while I guess that the sentiment is inherently comprehendable (from seeing mentioned demographic in one place), I still don‘t get the trigger, really.
AR/VR/XR headsets are around for few years and this -can- apply to all of them. It does not necessarily do so, because the target audience is a bit more specific and the few products spread over several platforms.
It just so happens that you now have a store with all the Apple fans trying it out.
Who cares.
(I have to admit though, haven‘t been in an Apple store for a while and even if, it doesn‘t apply to outside US for the time being)
P.S: And whoever buys his kids some 4000USD goggles, has probably some spoiled brats anyway.
I’ve seen a lot of tests and no one has tried it yet for the activity it was intended for: skiing.
I would personally trust this device for skiing or any other activity away from the living room as much as I trust the “driverless” cars.
Then you clearly need to get out more or AT LEAST come up with some SEMI-original puns, not such juvenile, pathetic, low-hanging-fruit ones that even my 4-year-old would conjure up. 🙄
Agree 100% In a rare departure from “gear lust”let’s dive into this social issue. This device will further isolate humans from meaningful social interchanges whether with family or friends. The video games started this trend, with kids already turned into Zombies. The smart phone followed it. At a restaurant you see four people seated at a table and all four are on the smart device ignoring each other. Don’t blame technology, blame degrading human behavior which has changed from personal, one to one socializing to socializing through the many new “forums” It’s a lot easier to fool someone from a computer, a video game or from a smart phone than in person and hence, the reason why the person you just met online is not financially, romantically or criminally, nearly the person he/she claimed to be!
But I don‘t see people running around in the streets with this thing on. It is a rumor only, but that‘s supposedly what killed Google glass.
That being said, I think smartphones (or rather our/society‘s very own behaviour with them) are the more apparent and real problem.
And I share your sentiments as well as the trigger, it is so obvious.
At the end of the day we just fail to realize as a society that it is indeed, human behavior and not the tool blamed for whatever process or event went South!
I tested it and I was not too fond of the disconnection from the world. Nevertheless, I believe they will have a place in computing and in our work life. Introducing new communication features will reduce the disconnection part of using it in the future.
Like with every product, you have to use it responsibly.
If you deny your kids the experience they will find access somewhere else.
Unfortunately cyborgs are a thing that is eventually coming…