Canon Needs a Bonanza to Fight Nikon
Canon Needs a Bonanza to Fight Nikon

Canon Needs a Bonanza to Fight Nikon

2 mins read

Yesterday, Canon announced the “Development of the EOS R1” as its new (mirrorless) flagship. This product is in the middle of R&D but will be released in 2024 (what?). The announcement was accompanied by a dull press release with almost zero info. This is proof that Canon needs a bonanza to fight Nikon.

Canon EOS R1
Canon EOS R1

Canon says that the EOS R1 is in the development phase, however, it will be released in 2024, which means in a couple of months. Hence, the R1 is NOT in the R&D phase, but the product is ready.

“Big news”: The ‘development’ of the R1 (!?)

Yesterday Canon made a big announcement titled “Canon develops EOS R1 as first flagship model for EOS R SYSTEM – New image processing system further improves AF and image quality”. Then Canon threw some dull info regarding the camera. No specs have been released. Canon says that the EOS R1 is in the development phase, however, it will be released in 2024, which means in a couple of months. Hence, the R1 is NOT in the R&D phase, but the product is ready, and Canon’s ambassadors are testing it as we speak. Thus, what’s the point of the press release? Explore the ‘detailed’ presentation below:

Canon needs something

Canon knows that it needs some bonanza after Nikon bought RED. Nikon owns the big guns now, even in video shooting. Nikon has gathered tons of expertise in video filming derived from the Z9, and now after the acquisition of RED Digital Cinema, Nikon marks the cinema market as a main target. Till now, Canon had a vast advantage over Nikon in video. Canon managed to develop better video cameras. However, Nikon might be in a better position to defeat Canon in their own yard. That’s the reason that Canon needs something. And that might be the reason for the strange press release about the mirrorless flagship.

Canon R1
Canon R1

Till now, Canon had a vast advantage over Nikon in video. Canon managed to develop better video cameras. However, Nikon might be in a better position to defeat Canon in their own yard. That’s the reason that Canon needs something.

Focusing on stills rather than on video

As for the press release, it seems that Canon is focusing on stills over video. Although it says that: “This camera [EOS R1] will dramatically improve the performance of both still images and video and meet the high requirements of professionals on the frontlines of a wide range of fields including sports, news reporting, and video production”, the press release aims for professional photographers and less for filmmakers. Nevertheless, the announcement of the development of a product just a few months before shipping it, looks strange and unnecessary for a company like Canon. To demonstrate our point, check out this hilarious video below, which is very true by the way:

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Yossy is a filmmaker who specializes mainly in action sports cinematography. Yossy also lectures about the art of independent filmmaking in leading educational institutes, academic programs, and festivals, and his independent films have garnered international awards and recognition.
Yossy is the founder of Y.M.Cinema Magazine.

1 Comment

  1. Business as usual for Canon. Well – or maybe a bit late.

    Canon always make an initial “development announcement” of their 1-series cameras with no or only very minor details revealed. Usually you will get the “development announcement” around New Year before the Summer Olympics, and the final announcement around this time. But the important point for Canon is to have their new 1-series camera ready for the sports photographers from the big agencies at the Olympic Games. The primary target-group of their 1-series camera.

    Here is the 1DX III development announcement:

    But where does the idea come from that R1 should be primary a video camera? And what does RED have to do with this camera release?

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