Let’s learn a bit about this fascinating 65mm film camera, the ARRIFLEX 765, which was the 2nd unit camera for the latest James Bond movie – “No Time To Die”. Read on. …
Filmmaker Philip Bloom has decided to document the Coronavirus situation around his hometown in Richmond, London by using his Kinefinity MAVO LF. Besides the exceptional documenting stuff, we’ve earned another great opportunity…
1917 which is the winner of Oscar 2020’s Best Cinematography, was shot by Roger Deakins on the ALEXA Mini LF with Signature Prime lenses. Let’s hear what Deakins has to say about…
ARRI Rental has released a showreel of one of the most fascinating cameras out there: The ALEXA 65. Let’s check it out and discuss what is so special about this sensor and…
Some of you may dislike this review, but I’m sure others will agree. In my personal opinion, 1917 is nothing more than a bunch of average technical old fashioned overused cinematography tricks…
Based on the Rotten Tomatoes’ critics ratings, we built a list of the 43 best Netflix original TV shows of 2019. Then we analyzed the cameras behind them to try to find…
Roger Deakins talks about the cinematography challenges behind one of his most ambitious films, from a DP point of view. The tricks behind 1917 and the difficulties of shooting long takes. Read…
We dug the net to find some evidence for C500 Mark II footage. There are not many. However, we find some sample videos and one commercial shot on this new large-format cinema…
We’ve created a camera chart based on the 29 Motion Picture nominees of the 77th Golden Globe Awards. Furthermore, we have built another chart analyzing the segmentation of film vs. digital, which…
ARRI has released a short video that demonstrates some interesting bits of information regarding its flagship lenses: The Signature Primes. Let’s explore what Art Adams, Cinema Lens Specialist at ARRI, has to…