The Netflix Film Club has launched a four-part BTS (behind the scenes) video series about the making of the Army of the Dead. The series conducted by the director and cinematographer Zack…
A lot of eagle-eyed viewers have noticed dead pixels in Snyder’s ‘Army of the Dead’. Personally, I haven’t noticed it, since I enjoyed this movie so much. The cinematography is stunning, and…
As the second trailer has dropped, the imagery starts to pop out, revealing a very unique vintage look. Zack Snyder’s ‘Army of the Dead’ was crafted with the help of some cinematography…
The trailer of the anticipated American zombie heist film, ‘Army of the Dead’ is out! Directed by Zack Snyder, who is also the cinematographer. Shot on RED Monstro. Watch it below. Army…
The new TV superhero action-drama, ״Superman & Lois״ was shot for the small screen, but with standards that meet the huge canvas. Shot on Panavision DXL2 and RED Monstro with true anamorphic…