YMCinema Stands With Israel and Honoring the Fallen of October 7th
YMCinema Stands With Israel and Honoring the Fallen of October 7th

YMCinema Stands With Israel and Honoring the Fallen of October 7th

2 mins read

This is not a regular post. As for the October 7th anniversary, YMCinema bows its head to the victims of the Hamas/ISIS massacre, where Jews and Israelis were murdered just because they are Jews and Israelis. But like in a Hollywood movie, eventually the hero wins over the villain. In this story, Israel is the superhero of the free world, and thus YMCinema stands with this great country, which is like a wonder for those who seek life.

YMCinema Stands With Israel
YMCinema Stands With Israel

YMCinema Stands With Israel

As you may know, YMCinema is a leading Israeli news & media outlet that focuses on the technology behind filmmaking. We write about cinema cameras, lenses, software, and all the tech stuff that explains and demonstrates the beautiful combination of visual art and advanced technologies. We write about the pure passion behind filmmaking which is one of the best jobs in the world. We write about optimism, talented creators, and crafted storytelling that connects people from all over the world. YMCinema reaches more than 200 countries, without any differentiation whatsoever. If you are passionate about the tech of filmmaking, then we welcome you to read, enjoy, comment, and criticize us. We love filmmaking and filmmakers. Today, we choose to write, respect, and honor the fallen of October 7th – our second holocaust. This is the day of the Hamas/ISIS massacre– which resulted in approximately 1,200 deaths, mass rapes, and the taking of around 253 hostages.

 October 7th massacre. Photo by Ziv Koren
October 7th massacre. Photo by Ziv Koren

This superhero/Israel is protecting you as well, especially if you are considering yourself as a part of the free world.

Winning the villain for the sake of a better world

The 7th October massacre brought Israel to declare war on the Hamas/ISIS. Since then, this war has expanded to the rest of the Middle East and beyond, by transforming into a war of the free world against darkness (Radical Islam). This war which was imposed on Israel, now includes and combines Gaza, Lebanon, Iran, Yemen, and Iraq. Israel is fighting against radical Islam, which is one of the main threats to the free world. Israel IS the ‘World’s Cleaner.’ And if you speak the Hollywood language, we can define Israel as the superhero of the free world. As Israelis and Jews, we salute our flag, we love our home (our only home), and we know we will continue to win, as there is no other option for us.

Photo by Ziv Koren
Photo by Ziv Koren

To our readers

We know that we are going to lose followers after this post is published. We know that many of our readers will be mad at us, because of an undefined hate for Israel. But we don’t care, as this hate is based on a solid ignorance/lack of knowledge. For those we say, come and visit Israel so you can understand and see how this wonder works. This superhero/Israel is protecting you as well, especially if you are considering yourself as a part of the free world.

God bless Israel. עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱❤️ The YMCinema team

Yossy is a filmmaker who specializes mainly in action sports cinematography. Yossy also lectures about the art of independent filmmaking in leading educational institutes, academic programs, and festivals, and his independent films have garnered international awards and recognition.
Yossy is the founder of Y.M.Cinema Magazine.


  1. You support the killers of hundreds of thousands of innocent and call them a super hero. Disgusting

  2. So, goodgbye forever. You support a genocidal state that has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and subjected them to nameless atrocities. I have no respect for you or your work.

  3. Man, I fully condemn Hamas’ actions but this article is some seriously fucked up propaganda. Villains? Heroes? This isn’t Hollywood. Jesus. That’s just so messed up.

    You guys are broken. Your reality is completely skewed. What the fuck?!?

    This is one IP address you won’t see returning.

  4. I’m against Hamas and Oct 7 was a tragedy. However, acting like Israel are ‘superheroes’ after the relentless murder, proven war crimes and mass scale murdering of innocent children is truly abhorrent.

    This is a disgusting, warped post that does not belong.

  5. You are disgusting. I am not against Israel per se, but what Israel state does in the middle east is far from the so claled superhero you want to call them. You are seriously crazy to put up an article like that and support the genocide. I’m all against war and crimes, I’m all against Hamas and what happens on 7th October 2023.
    But hell I’m all against what Israel state and government did since this day and way before. You are really mental for not seeing the truth and how Zionism is killing the free world as you call it.
    I unfollowed you on Instagram and I will never go back to this website.

    • No greater mental illness than justifying Hamas’ abominable serial killing of innocent people. You must have forgotten the original event. In my book, this nonsense will only end when all serial killers are sent to the bowels of the Universe

      • The serial killers you refer to not only being both Hamas on Oct 7 who committed unspeakable crimes, but also Israel’s mass scale serial murdering of over 40,000, including ~ 16,000 children and over 11,000 women.

        I assume, by your own logic, that those in charge of the mass slaughter by Israel will also be sent to the sent to the bowels of the Universe.

  6. Such disgusting propaganda. This is my cue to never come to this website ever again… goodbye forever

  7. I’ll be deleting all my backlinks to this website right now…disgusting that you’d even consider such blatant and disgusting propaganda in favor of a genocidal state

    Stick to reporting news about cinema…I honestly hope you go bankrupt

  8. Your post is really surprising. Not only for its contents but mostly because you seems absolutely sure about what you are saying, no dubts, your country is the superhero saving the world and all the other that do not agree with what they are doing are the bad guys moved only by “an undefined hate for Israel (…) based on a solid ignorance/lack of knowledge.”
    What do you think about the opinion of the Internation Court of Justice saying i.e. that “the State of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful”? (https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/186/186-20240719-pre-01-00-en.pdf)
    Or about that “A UN Commission to the Israel–Palestine conflict stated that there is “clear evidence that war crimes may have been committed in the latest explosion of violence in Israel and Gaza, and all those who have violated international law and targeted civilians must be held accountable.”?
    Or about that “On May 20, 2024, the Chief Prosecutor (of the International Criminal Court) Karim Ahmad Khan announced his intention to seek arrest warrants against leaders of both sides of the conflict, including Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh, and Israeli leaders Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant.”?
    UN the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, just to mention a few of international instituttions against what isreal is doing, are all moved only by “an undefined hate for Israel (…) based on a solid ignorance/lack of knowledge.”? Are you sure?

  9. As an avid reader of your publication, as a jew and as an israeli I would like to say that I am simpthizing with your support to our nation and people, BUT, as a fare journalist,I would hope that you should edit your post to include the suffering of all of the sorrounding people around Israel as well, to condemn the killing of innocent people on the other side as well.. as we all know, There are two sides to every coin and our side is not alone. By saying that I am not supporting what had happened to us..

    I wonder why you had to use this proffesional platform for anything else. For that I am very sad.

    I hope that can understand the issue that this post has created to your other readers.

  10. Always refreshing to witness support for what is right and honorable. Not Jewish but will support all victims of terrorism to my grave!

    • Whilst I fully understand that Oct 7 is a tragedy that should be remembered and acknowledged with absolute sorrow and anger, the tone of this article also suggests that such mass murder by Israel is literally ‘heroic’.

      Just to be clear Frank, whilst being anti terrorism, do you also happily and openly support the killing over 16,000 children and over 11,000 women in Palestine? If not, I would be careful to support behind this type of propaganda. This could have been a solemn post encouraging those to remember, instead it’s a hateful and cruel celebration of violence and death.

      (stats from UNICEF)

  11. Always refreshing to witness support for what is right and honorable. Not Jewish but will support all victims of terrorism to my grave! The fact of the matter is that Israel is always a target of terrorism and their response to these serial killers should be adopted in our country when dealing with nauseating criminals

  12. Wow I am really loving all of the responses. The truth is Israel is a genocidal state project that is using October 7th as an excuse to finish off the palestinians.

    Ya’ll are on the wrong side of history and your genocidal state is the most unsafe place on the face of the earth for jewish people

  13. Thank you for being human. Thank you for being a member of society. Thank you for doing what a year ago was considered a basic and obvious thing. Thank you for speaking out against hate and the call for harming and killing an entire country and religion. And thank you for sharing your knowledge and talent with your wonderful site and newsletter. Bravo! Am y’israel chai!

  14. It is incomprehensible how any human being attempts to justify the atrocities of Hamas and/or any other terrorist gang! Terrorism is not acceptable by any human standards!

    • Yes terrorism is wrong and evil.

      So is murdering tens of thousands of innocent women and children.

      Fascist morons

  15. From Honduras there is a people praying for Israel, and we will always be with Israel. We condemn the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, which have only led to pain and suffering for the people of Israel and the Palestinians. We pray for the release of the hostages and peace for the region. Stand firm, Israel will prevail over the hatred of its enemies for the honor and glory of God.

    PS: I hope my translation is correct. God bless you today and always.

  16. Yossy – I’m not aware if any superhero that murders 10s of thousands of innocent women and children, slaughters journalists, medical professionals and aid workers and rapes detainees in overcrowded prisons. Nor am I familiar with any superhero who wantonly destroys civilian homes, hospitals, schools and universities.

  17. I thought you guys were cool but this confirms it! You guys are awesome! (and yes commenters maybe go and look up news on how terrorist work, by hiding behind innocent people so others look bad. It’s called warping media!!

  18. Agree 100%. Terrorists, socialists and communists all have the same totalitarian and lethal MO. They smile while waiting for you to turn your back to them and stick a knife. As Caleb points out these degenerate cowards hide in hospitals, schools, among civilians, women and children! Save your insults, I witnessed in the socialist gutter nest where I was born and in the jungles of Vietnam!

  19. This is no more information, this is mere propaganda ! Cinema should be committed to peace and to deepening understanding not hatred and biased thinking. Both Hamas and Israel are criminals. I assume you chose in full awareness to lose a significant part of your readers including jews. Good luck and good wind.

  20. Its crazy how fascism warps peoples minds to justify genocide. I understand a lot of jews are traumatized from pogroms and the holocaust but the Israeli government is using october 7th as an excuse for genocide. Wake the fuck up, your on the wrong side of history.

  21. Very black and white. But if I lived in a democratic country surrounded by dictatorship states that all wanted to kill me – I think I would perceive it the same way. In a battle between religious dictatorship and modern democracy, it is not difficult for me to choose.

    • A democracy means all in the state have equal rights. Arab Muslims are 2nd class citizens in israel by law. Therefore not democracy. Also Muslims in the West bank & Gaza are treated like the jews were in warsaw poland in the ghettos, so definitely not democratic. Israel is more of a theocracy with a fake patina of democracy. So please get your facts right. Also October 7th doesn’t happen with all of the repression of those in Gaza for 70 plus years. Oct 7th while it was bad and innocent people died didn’t come out of nowhere.

      • No October 7 didn’t come out of nowhere, Iran’s religious leaders orchestrated Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi attacks in their fight against the modern democratic Western world.

        • What a shallow understanding. Please turn off fox news and cnn, its melting your brain

          Iran did not orchestrate october 7th. Hamas and Iran are actually from different Muslim sects but have been pushed together on the same side by Israel and the US government.

          Iran was against Hamas doing oct 7th because they knew it give Israel an excuse to start the war they’ve always wanted.

          Look Frank I don’t think breaking down the history for you here would help, your mind is made up. But even if your basic kindergarten understanding of whats happening is true.

          Does that it make it ok for Israel to commit genocide against innocent palestinians? Before Oct 7th there was 30,000 people in Hamas in Gaza with 2 MILLION people in gaza. All 1.97 Million people deserve to die?

      • Ryan, you have that flat out wrong. Israeli-Arabs and Israeli-Jews are treated under the law as exactly identical Israeli citizens. (welll… what small differences there are, are actually in favor of the Arab citizens! And Jewish citizens are being discriminated against, because of the heavy burden of extra responsibilities they carry)

  22. Then kindly explain the Democratic process of the carnage by Arab Muslim on 09/11. If I remember correctly the victims of 9/11 had never engaged in a similar act of atrocities against Arab Muslims!

    • That was Al Qaeda are the most extreme fringe of muslim sects. Are all christians evil because timothy mcveigh the oklamhoma bomber was a christian fundamentalist?

      Also Al Qaeda as trained and equipped by the CIA with direct links to our ally Saudi Arabia.

      Again your shallow understanding of things is leading you astray Frank.

      All this is to say Genocide is not ok. Please don’t make excuses for it. You and I are US consumers that dont have to confront the reality most around the world do. Genocide shouldn’t be your entertainment and politics is not a comic book movie with good guys and bad guys.

    • Try and show some empathy, it’s fine for the creator of website to make one post about what was the biggest ever tragedy in his homeland during his lifetime.

  23. Genocide and politics should not be in entertainment? Then explain how socialists and liberals have conveniently littered the entertainment industry with all their manure, including politics at the Oscar’s, Grammy, in all commercials, etc.?

    • Because corporations want to appeal to everyone to protect profits frank. Thats why, its simple economics. You think all these corporations actually give 1 shit about trans or black people or abortion? And who gives a shit about the oscars, its rich folks wanking themselves off.

      All these corporations and hollywood are still protecting israels genocide and running interference for them.

      Also none of them are socialists. Wish they were but they’re all pro market liberals like yourself frank. They are liberal progressives and your a conservative liberal, you all believe in the god of the market over everything else .

  24. Suddenly your website has Jihad apologist visitors who promise never visit this site again, but keep replying comments 🙂
    Keep up the good work mate, no matter how the clown world tries to gaslight us, we know very well whats going on. We know very well how their “I’m not antisemite, but..” works. We’ll kick their BUTs.
    Love from Iran.

    • Everyone who criticizes israel is an antisemite? Really come on? So even when Israel does something like indiscriminately bomb civilians or block aid from coming in. criticizing that is antisemitic? Look October 7th was bad, and what happened to innocent civilians in Israel was wrong but the response has been a genocidal fervor for war war and more war. That’s not good lol, wake the fuck up. With nuclear weapons abound means a world war is the last one. For fuck sake

  25. wow, this is nice to read being posted on one of the news / reviews / blogs websites I follow, I appreciate your support for Israel and Jews worldwide, it’s tough times right now for us.

    Also I had no idea that YMCinema is an Israeli website! That’s awesome. A teeny small country once again punching above its weight class!

  26. Difícil acreditar que, no final de tudo, é isso que temos que engolir para ter acesso a informações sobre cinematografia e cinema!
    Defender o indefensável como heróis?
    Que loucura essa, afinal, um erro não pode nunca justificar outro maior ainda, está muito claro o movimento colonialista criado a partir da justificativa da data citada no título, em breve, depois do maior genocídio que se aproxima, tudo será de Israel e desses loucos que só precisavam de uma fagulha para matar todos a sua volta!
    Triste por você, mais triste ainda pelos que ainda vão morrer por conta de loucos feito vocês!!!

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